Our International Conservation Center Education Specialists will guide your preschoolers and kindergarteners through one of our interactive classroom programs, featuring elephant-themed stories, songs, and biofact exploration.  Classroom programs can accommodate up to 25 students and last 45 minutes.

 See class description below

Schedule your program!

45 minute program

International Conservation Center in Somerset County

$7 per student

Minimum of 15 paying participants 

class description

Animals Big and Small

Animals come in all shapes and sizes, from tiny ants to giant elephants. Students will compare animal sizes and learn more about one of the largest animals in the world – the elephant!

I Want to be a Zookeeper! (45 minutes)

How do you bathe an elephant? Can you trim an elephant’s nails? The International Conservation Center is home to incredible animals, cared for by expert zookeepers. Students will learn how Zookeepers care for the ICC herd and the conservation biologists who protect elephants in their natural habitat.