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See what the cheetahs are up to right now!

Acinonyx jubatus

Location in the Zoo: African Savanna

The cheetah is the fastest land mammal and can reach speeds of 0 to 60 mph in just six seconds. During their fastest gallop, cheetahs are off the ground more than half of their running time. Thanks to their ultra-flexible spines, cheetahs can stretch their front legs forward farther than any other cat. Their spinal flexibility also allows cheetahs to twist, turn, and contort themselves in mid-air, allowing them to turn on a dime at high speeds when chasing prey.

During mating season, male cheetahs have a vocalization to attract females called a strutter bark. Cheetahs cannot roar like lions or tigers. However, just like domestic cats, they can purr.

These big cats generally hunt during the mid-day. They stalk their prey in the tall grasses where they blend in. When they chase their prey, they sprint very quickly, and the chase usually only lasts a minute or less. They move so fast that they are in the air more than they are on the ground. Once they catch their prey, cheetahs move their food into a shaded area and eat very quickly. They scarf down their meal because they are one of the smallest big cats. If lions or leopards see a cheetah with a catch, they will take it because the cheetah is too small to fight them off.

Female cheetahs live by themselves except when raising young. Each litter is usually comprised of two to three cubs. Males live in groups called coalitions, which are usually made up of brothers.

Loss of habitat and poaching have greatly diminished cheetah populations and their natural habitat. As a result, many cheetahs are interbreeding, causing genetic defects, higher mortality and infertility rates, and lower resistance to disease.

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