California Sea Lion

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Zalophus californianus

Location in the Zoo: Water’s Edge

California sea lions are pinnipeds, which is derived from the Latin words “pinna” meaning wing or feather, and “pedis” meaning foot. There are 30 to 33 species of pinnipeds, and sea lions are the fastest, swimming up to 25 miles per hour. Sea lions get their name from a thick mane that grows along their necks – a feature that California sea lions do not have.

Large groups of sea lions on land are called colonies. In water, small groups are called rafts. Sea lions are opportunistic feeders, eating what is abundant and available including squid, octopus, hake, northern anchovy, opaleye, herring, Pacific whiting, rockfish, and when available salmon, lamprey, and bottom-dwelling fishes. A sea lion needs to eat about 5 to 10 percent of its body weight each day.

Mating season is primarily May and June and gestation is 11 months. However, sea lions have delayed implantation of 2 to 3 months, which allows pups to be born during the summer when food is more abundant. Males become sexually mature between five to nine years old; females at four to six years. Litter size is normally one pup, but twins are born occasionally. Newborn pups are usually about 30 inches long and weigh between 11 and 19 pounds. They are born with their eyes open and can swim (though awkwardly) right after birth. They can vocalize, too, which helps mothers and pups recognize one another.

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