Zoo Tram

Zoo visitors riding the zoo tram.

Tram offline for the season. Please check back Spring 2025!

Next stop: adventure! The tram stops at 8 locations throughout the Zoo, marked with a “T” sign, where visitors can hop on and off. The tram travels the main loop through the Zoo: from the entrance Village at the top of the escalator, through the Forest Passage and African Savanna, past the Aquarium and Kids Kingdom to return to the Village. Riders are welcome to exit the tram at tram stops to spend extra time at exhibits or explore additional indoor or off-route areas, such as the Tropical Forest Complex, the Islands and Jungle Odyssey, the Aquarium, and Kids Kingdom.

The tram can comfortably hold up to 20 people. A tram host can verify that space is available. The tram has an accessible wheelchair cart available, which can hold up to six wheelchairs collapsed, or two wheelchairs occupied by guests while the tram is in motion. If you wish to use the accessible tram, please call the Zoo in advance at 412-665-3640 to confirm operation.

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